Showing posts with label nse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nse. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

एनएसई 30 मार्च को मॉक ट्रेडिंग सत्र आयोजित किया है

एक्सचेंज के मुताबिक, भारत का प्रमुख बॉन्ड नेशनल स्टॉक एक्सचेंज ऑफ इंडिया लिमिटेड (एनएसई) 30 मार्च 2019 को कैपिटल मार्केट सेगमेंट में मॉक ट्रेडिंग सत्र आयोजित करेगा। एनएसई ने एक सर्कुलर में कहा कि प्री-ओपन मॉक ट्रेडिंग सत्र सुबह 10:00 बजे शुरू होगा और 10:08 बजे तक जारी रहेगा, जबकि सामान्य बाजार सत्र सुबह 10:15 बजे शुरू होगा और 03:30 बजे बंद होगा।

एनएसई, अपनी प्रकृति से, निरंतर सदस्यों को एक मजबूत मंच प्रदान करने का प्रयास कर रहा है ताकि निर्बाध व्यापार को सक्षम किया जा सके। शीर्ष BSE NSE, ट्रेडिंग इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर के आवधिक परीक्षण और इसकी वसूली और प्रतिक्रिया तंत्र को सबसे अधिक महत्व देता है।

उपरोक्त उद्देश्यों के लिए एक्सचेंज द्वारा समय-समय पर मॉक ट्रेडिंग सत्र आयोजित किए जाते हैं, ताकि सदस्यों को एक मजबूत मंच प्रदान करने के लिए उनके प्रयासों के भाग के रूप में परीक्षण किया जा सके ताकि निर्दोष व्यापार को सक्षम किया जा सके।

शेयर बाजार से जुडी जानकारी और ट्रेडिंग टिप्स के लिए क्लिक कीजिये  Stock tips, Intraday Tips & Commodity Tips

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

ओपन मार्केट अपडेट, आज तिमाही परिणाम

मुख्य बेंचमार्क सूचकांक मंगलवार को एशियाई बाजार के रुख से कुछ नकारात्मक पूर्वाग्रह के साथ खुले।
आज प्रमुख कंपनियों से जारी किए जाने वाले तिमाही आय परिणामों में आईसीआईसीआई प्रूडेंशियल लाइफ इंश्योरेंस कंपनी, टीवीएस मोटर कंपनी, एशियन पेंट्स, हैवेल्स इंडिया, एचडीएफसी स्टैंडर्ड लाइफ इंश्योरेंस, ओबेरॉय रियल्टी, रिलायंस निपोन  मैनेजमेंट, किर्लोस्कर इंडस्ट्रीज, एलेम्बिक फार्मा, क्यूपिड, भारत गियर्स, जीनस पावर इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर, अन्य शामिल हैं।
बीएसई सेंसेक्स 107 अंक गिरकर 36,471 अंक और NSE का निफ्टी 35 अंक की गिरावट के साथ 35 अंक गिरकर बहुत सुबह के समय 10,926 के स्तर पर आ गया। सन फार्मा, कोटक बैंक, एचपीसीएल और बीपीसीएल निफ्टी 50 में ऊपर थे जबकि एमएंडएम, टाटा स्टील और यस बैंक पिछड़ गए।
एनएसई के 11 सेक्टोरल इंडेक्स में से नौ में गिरावट आई, जिसमें निफ्टी मेटल इंडेक्स 1.10 प्रतिशत गिर गया। इसके विपरीत निफ्टी फार्मा और रियल्टी में 0.92 प्रतिशत तक की तेजी है।
अमेरिकी डॉलर के मुकाबले पिछले दो कारोबारी दिनों की गिरावट के बाद घरेलू मुद्रा थोड़ी अधिक खुली। ग्रीनबैक के मुकाबले रुपये में 0.1%, 71.17 की सराहना हुई।

शेयर बाजार से जुडी  जानकारी और ट्रेडिंग टिप्स के लिए क्लिक कीजिये  Stock tips, Intraday Tips & Commodity Tips

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

नेशनल स्टॉक एक्सचेंज ऑफ इंडिया लिमिटेड (एनएसई) लांच करेगा साप्ताहिक ऑप्शन कॉन्ट्रैक्ट

भारत के अग्रणी बाजार, नेशनल स्टॉक एक्सचेंज ऑफ इंडिया लिमिटेड (एनएसई) ने मंगलवार को घोषणा की कि पोर्टफोलियो जोखिम को अधिक कुशलता से प्रबंधित करने के लिए बाजार खिलाड़ियों को हेजिंग टूल प्रदान करने के लिए निफ्टी 50 इंडेक्स पर साप्ताहिक ऑप्शन कॉन्ट्रैक्ट  लॉन्च करने के लिए सेबी की मंजूरी मिली है। एनएसई वर्तमान में उत्पाद के लॉन्च के लिए बाजार प्रतिभागियों की तैयारी का मूल्यांकन कर रहा है और यह जल्द ही लॉन्च की तारीख को सूचित करेगा।
एनएसई द्वारा आंकलन किया गया है की  निफ्टी 50 इंडेक्स पर साप्ताहिक ऑप्शन कॉन्ट्रैक्ट  बाजार में इन्वेस्टर्स को पोर्टफोलियो जोखिम को अधिक प्रभावी तरीके से प्रबंधित करने के लिए अतिरिक्त हेजिंग टूल प्रदान करेगा।    निफ्टी इंडेक्स के साप्ताहिक ऑप्शन कॉन्ट्रैक्ट  में सप्ताह के 7 अनुबंध   होंगे । 
कॉन्ट्रैक्ट हर गुरुवार को गुरुवार को बंद हो जाएंगे। यदि गुरुवार एक व्यापारिक अवकाश है, तो पिछले कारोबारी दिन को समाप्ति या अंतिम कारोबारी दिन के लिए ध्यान में रखा जाएगा, एक्सचेंज ने कहा।

शेयर बाजार से जुडी  जानकारी और ट्रेडिंग टिप्स के लिए क्लिक कीजिये  Stock tipsIntraday Tips & Commodity Tips

Thursday, 13 December 2018

प्रमुख बेंचमार्क इंडेक्स आज तीसरे दिन अपनी जीत रैली बढ़ाएंगे, वैश्विक सिग्नल भी सहायक हैं।

भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक के गवर्नर शक्तििकांत दास ने अपने पहले दिन घोषणा की कि वह अधिक सलाहकार कदम उठाएंगे और कुछ दबाव मुद्दों को हल करने के लिए तेजी से आगे बढ़ेंगे। इसके बाद आज  प्रमुख बेंचमार्क इंडेक्स आज तीसरे दिन अपनी जीत रैली बढ़ाएंगे। घरेलू शेयरों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए सकारात्मक वैश्विक सिग्नल भी सहायक हैं।
चीन - यू.एस.  के बीच  कच्चे तेल की सूची में ड्रॉडाउन के चलते कच्चे तेल की कीमतें बढ़ीं, चीन ने वाशिंगटन के साथ व्यापार युद्ध संधि के लिए और अधिक रचनात्मक कदम उठाने की व्यवस्था की।
ब्रेंट क्रूड ऑइल फ्यूचर्स अपने अंतिम बंद से 0.52% ऊपर, 60.46 डॉलर प्रति बैरल पर थे। डब्ल्यूटीआई यूएस क्रूड वायदा 0.4 9% ऊपर 51.40 डॉलर प्रति बैरल पर था।
बीएसई सेंसेक्स 35 9 72 के स्तर पर कारोबार कर रहा है, जबकि इस अद्यतन के समय एनएसई निफ्टी 53 अंक चढ़कर 10,792 स्तर पर है। रुपया शुरुआती दर से 10 पैसे की तेजी के साथ 71.6 रुपये प्रति अमेरिकी डॉलर पर कारोबार कर रहा है।

शेयर बाजार से जुडी जानकारी और ट्रेडिंग टिप्स के लिए क्लिक कीजिये Stock tips, Intraday tips and Commodity Tips.

Friday, 30 November 2018

ग्लोबल मार्किट कमजोर है, भारतीय स्टॉक मार्केट इंडेक्स बढ़त के साथ खुले

ग्लोबल मार्किट कमजोर है, एशियाई मार्केट में मिला जुला कारोबार हो रहा है, SGX निफ़्टी में हल्की बढ़त है।  आज के शुरूआती कारोबार में भारतीय स्टॉक मार्केट इंडेक्स बढ़त के साथ खुले।  स्माल कैप और मिडकैप स्टॉक्स में खरीददारी है,  बीएसई का स्मॉलकैप इंडेक्स 0.16 फीसदी से ज्यादा बढ़कर 14375 के ऊपर पहुंच गया है। वहीं बीएसई का मिडकैप इंडेक्स 0.33 फीसदी बढ़कर कारोबार कर रहा है।   आज के कारोबार में आईटी, फार्मा, ऑटो, एफएमसीजी और रियल्टी शेयरों में खरीदारी से बाजार में तेजी देखने को मिल रही है।  पीएसयू बैंकों में भी जोरदार खरीददारी है, प्राइवेट बैंक आज सुस्त है।  निफ्टी का प्राइवेट बैंक इंडेक्स 0.02 फीसदी की मामूली बढ़त के साथ कारोबार कर रहा है। 
Money Maker Research

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Airline and Agriculture stocks zoom on Budget impact

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Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced in his Budget speech on Thursday that Regional air connectivity scheme will connect 56 unserved airports and 31 unserved helipads. Goveernemnt will also expand capacity of airports by 5- times to cater to one billion trips a year, under a new initiative by the government.

Subsequent on the announcement, stocks of aviation companies such as Jet Airways, Inter Globe Aviation and Spice Jet closed in positive territory. Stocks of Jet Airways gained 2.57% on National Stock Exchange, whereas the shares of Inter Globe Aviation (IndiGo) zoomed marginally by 0.42% on NSE, on Thursday. 

In a top reward to farmers, Jaitley announced fixing the support-price for kharif crops, by 50 per cent higher than the cost of production, together increasing farm credit target for the next fiscal by ten percent to Rs 11.00 lakh crore.

Following the announcement, shares of NACL Industries zoomed, 2.25%, PI Industries rose 2.49%, Action Construction Equipment spiked 2.59%, Aries Agro rose 0.28% and Monsanto India zoomed 1.81% on the NSE.

Monday, 29 January 2018

IPO of Sintercom India open :: Free stock tips

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Sintercom India Limited which is engaged in the business of manufacturing sintered metal automotive components of engines, announced date for its upcoming SME IPO in India. The issue will start from 5 Feb, 2018 and will close on 7 Feb, 2018. The total issue size is 65,46,000 equity shares.

The price band is Rs 63 to Rs 65 per equity share while offer size is Rs 42.55 crore. The face value of this public offer is 10 per share and will be listed on National Stock Exchange platform.

The minimum bid lot is 2000 equity shares and its multiples thereafter. The IPO of 65,46,000 equity shares consists of a fresh issue of 30,16,000 equity shares and an OFS upto 10,31,213 equity shares by Victora Stock Invest P. Ltd  and up to 24,98,787 equity shares by Maurill Industries Ltd.

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Galaxy Surfactants raises Rs 281 cr from anchor investors

Stock market trading, stock news, stock watch, NSE, BSE stocks, free stock tips, trading tips, best advisory, money Maker Research
Specialty chemical manufacturer Galaxy Surfactants Limited's initial public offer (IPO) will hit capital market on Monday, 29 January 2018. Galaxy Surfactants, the leading specialty chemicals maker, on Friday announced that it has garnered over Rs 281 crore ahead of its IPO.

The IPO seeks to raise Rs 937 crore from the market. It has finalized allocation of 18,99,500 equity shares to 25 anchor investors at Rs 1,480 per share.

The offer comprises to 63,31,674 equity shares of face value of Rs 10 each for cash, Rs 10 aggregating up to Rs 937.09 Cr.

Edelweiss Financial Services, J.M Financial Institutional Securities & ICICI Securities will manage the public issue. The Company’s equity shares will be listing both on BSE and NSE. 

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

NSE May Refile IPO Papers with Sebi

NSE, Nifty stocks, stock market news, best stock Tips, top Advisory, Money Maker Research.
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is expected to file fresh draft red herring prospectus (DRHP) with markets regulator Sebi to float an initial public offering (IPO) after getting clarity on the co-location matter.   However, the preliminary IPO papers, which has been filed with Sebi in December last year, will remain open, the exchange said.

The Initial Public Offering of NSE is being eagerly awaited in the market as one of the largest in recent times, which is having an estimated size of over Rs. 10,000 crore. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) also got listed in February month. The regulatory authorities stated the exchange will have to file fresh DRHPs as issues related to co-location case have held up regulatory go-ahead for its earlier proposal and Sebi wants greater disclosure about the matter in the draft red herring prospectus (DRHP).

The regulatory authorities said the exchange will have to file fresh draft herring papers as issues concerning to the algorithmic trading case have held up regulatory approval for its earlier proposal and the regulator wants greater disclosure about the matter in the DRHP.

Monday, 6 November 2017

NSE to auction investment limits for Rs 9,000-cr corporate bonds on Nov 7

NSE stocks, Stock Market trading, Money Maker Research, Top Advisory, Best trading tips
Leading bourse National Stock Exchange (NSE) will auction investment limits for overseas investors for the purchase of corporate bonds worth over Rs 9000 crore on Tuesday, Nov 7, 2017.

The auction quota gives overseas investors the right to invest in debt up to the specific limit.  Till Friday, total investment in the corporate debt segment crossed Rs 2,08,804 cr, 95.86% of the total permitted threshold of Rs 2,17,822 crore. As a result, the NSE will conduct an auction for the allocation of unutilized debt limits to the tune of Rs 9,018 cr on Nov 7. 

In an auction conducted in October, investment limits for corporate bonds had attracted bids worth 11,875 cr from FPIs as against 10,502 cr put on offer.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Market Watch: Bank stocks fall; Axis Bank, PNB top losers

The BSE Bankex index lost about 1% in Wednesday's initial trade to hit 27314 with shares of Punjab National Bank (down 1.78%), followed by Axis Bank (down 1.36%), ICICI Bank (down 0.91%), Federal Bank (down 0.89%), Bank of Baroda (down 0.76%), HDFC Bank (down 0.69%) and SBI down 0.65%) as top losers.

Besides bank, healthcare, realty, FMCG and IT indices also witnessed significant fall. Sun Pharma, Lupin, Bajaj Auto , Axis Bank, Adani Ports and Infosys were the top losers in Sensex pack, each losing over 1%.

BSE Realty index was trading in negative terrain with almost all the stocks trading in the negative. BSE Realty was trading lower by 1.13 percent at 2,171 levels on BSE at post morning hours. Indiabulls Real Estate was the major loser in the index, which is trading lower by 2.13 percent at Rs 236 share apiece. The stock was contributing majorly to the index losses. DLF was also gaining more than 7 points to the index losses, while Oberoi Realty and Phoenix are contributing above 3 points to the index losses.

The Indian rupee today weakened for the 4th session to hit a 3-week low against the USD after FIIs liquidated their investments in the domestic markets. The rupee opened at 64.18 per dollar and touched a low of 64.22 and was trading at 64.21 per dollar, down 0.12 percent from its last close of 64.13.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Stock Exchanges Suggest Extending Trading hours till 7.30pm

Leading stock exchanges are considering a plan to extend its trading timing by 2 to 5 hours so as to better align Indian markets at par with global trends and boost business. At present, trading commences on the Exchanges at 9.00 am and closes at 3.30 pm, with 15 minutes each of pre open sessions and post closing hours.

There is further a proposal to align the timings of equity market in line with commodity derivatives which are being traded till late evening hours. The different proposals on the table include extending trade hours till 5.00 pm, 5.30 pm and 7.30 pm.

In the very past, the exchanges had recommended to extend the timings, but the recommendations have always met with a strong opposition from brokers. Brokers concern is that they would have to call employees in two different shifts for over 10 hours trading period and all their customers would have to be assigned no less than two relationship managers.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Live Stock Market Update By Money Maker Research

NTPC Limited has announced that the Govt of India has proposed to sell up to 41.22 crore shares or 5 percent stake of the company. Indian stock markets plummeted on Tuesday led by the fall in the shares of NTPC after the govt announced that it will sell 5 percent stake in NTPC at Rs 168 per share to raise Rs 7,000 crore. Stocks of NTPC slipped 3.03%, Sun Pharma went down 1.12%, HDFC and HUL down 1.11% and 0.96% respectively among others.

Meantime, NSE benchmark Nifty50 index has made few alterations in its constituents which will be effective from 29 Sept 2017, as per which the stocks of ACC Ltd, bank of Baroda, Tata Power and Tata motors DVR are being removed from Nifty50 index, whereas Bajaj Finance, Hindustan Petroleum Limited and United Phosphorus Ltd (UPL) are to be included in Nifty50 index.

Live Stock Market: The BSE Sensex is trading at 31,499 down 251 pts, while Nifty is trading at 9,837 down 75 pts.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

MoneyMaker Research News - Stocks Tips: Pharma stocks gain

Pharma stocks in Nifty opened on Thursday in a positive note, trading higher by 1.43 percent at 8,738 levels on NSE in the morning hours, with Cadila Healthcare moving the top gainer in the index, by 4.94%.

Divi’s Lab was trading higher by 2.81 percent at Rs 656 per share, also Sun Pharma soared by 2.02% at Rs 478 per share. Lupin was trading up by 1.56%, Aurobindo Pharma higher by 1.25% and Cipla was up by 1.06% among others, while Dr Reddy Laboratoreis’s was the top loser in the index, down by 0.38% at Rs 2,023 per share and Glaxo Smith Kline was trading lower by 0.35% at Rs 2,382 per share.

Meanwhile, the benchmark indices Nifty was trading up by 0.6% at 9,858 levels and Sensex was trading higher by 16 points at 31,583 levels at 10.50 am, today. Indian rupee opened at 64.03 per dollar and was trading at 64.07 per dollar, up 0.07 percent from its last close of 64.11.

Monday, 21 August 2017

Best Stock Tips By MoneyMaker Research - V-Mart Retail gallops 19%

The stock of V-Mart Retail Ltd took a high pitch by 19% to Rs 1,459 on BSE in intra-day trade today. The huge leap was after the V-Mart reported a double net profit of Rs 22.00 crore in June Q1FY18, on account of robust operational performance. The company had profit of Rs 9.37 crore in year ago quarter. V-Mart Retail had announced a net profit of Rs 39.52 crore during the entire previous fiscal 2016-17. 

The shares of V-Mart Retail were trading at Rs 1429.50 per share, up by Rs 208.90 as on post morning hours on Monday, on the BSE. The stock was traded at its new 52-week high of Rs 1,458.80 witnessing a surge in volume by over 8.62 times. The stock caught a traded volume of 2,40,281 shares and the traded value of Rs 3,383.25 lakh on the NSE.

The company’s Retail standalone revenue for the quarter came in at Rs 315.12 crore, registering 38.8% year on year increase. The profit after tax for the quarter registered in at Rs 22.35 crore. The company is engaged in value retailing through the chain of stores located at different places in India, offering products across diverse verticals, viz. Apparel, General Merchandise and kirana bazaar.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Why market plunged over 4% from lifetime highs in 7 sessions?

You might have seen the recent plunge in BSE & NSE market. It is significant to understand the proper time when you should trade/invest in the stock market. If you not succeed in making good research of the market, it is difficult for anyone to gain good confidence in the market.

Investors are often looking forward to making the good amount of profits from the market by seeking at the market conditions. If you are not capable to make any good amount of money in stocks you would not be able to gain the right income.

The plunge in Sensex index was on account of to heavy selling pressure in heavyweight companies. RIL was a good example in this focus. Crude oil futures has also slumped again in early Asian trade during the week, with worries about international oversupply. 

Global selloff on tensions over economic growth slowdown and sliding crude oil factored to market sentiments. SEBI move on shell companies, together with Geopolitical tensions are also additional factors.

Changing economic policies are factored for the fall of Nifty index. However, it is significant to learn how to make your best efforts to learn the market positively by getting the best source of information. 

There are many factors behind the recent fall, however, falling in market many be treated as common. When the market falls one should treat his assets in different way.  We want to sell our stocks in great companies and when prices are getting low, just don’t sell. It is to be noted that you cannot try to make sure that you would be able to have the right amount of profit from particular stocks.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Sensex closes at new lifetime high of 31109, Nifty above 9,600 pts

The benchmark BSE Sensex hit record high on Monday rising 81.07 points to close at 31,109.28. The NSE Nifty-50 Index gained  9.80 points  at 9,604.90. The Sensex settled above the psychological 31000 mark after alternately moving above and below that level until early afternoon trade. On the BSE,  there were 1,799 declines against  861 advances and a total of 191 shares were unchanged.
Market sentiment was risen by hopes of timely onset of southwest rainfalls  after IMD in on 29 May 2017 said that conditions are becoming favorable for further advance of southwest monsoon over Kerala and parts of north-eastern states around 30th to 31st May 2017.
Consumer goods stocks like Hindustan Unilever, Dabur India and ITC rallied up to 3 percent pushing the Nifty FMCG index higher by over 1 percent. Tech Mahindra hit more than 3 year low after posting a 33 percent fall in consolidated profit for the March-quarter. The stock ended at Rs 380, down 11 percent
Stocks of Healthcare were the biggest drag on the index, after Sun Pharma fell nearly 13.2% to around 4-year low after the company on Friday reported a 14 percent fall in March-quarter profit.  Stocks of Aurobindo Pharma lost 5.5% while Lupin Ltd was down as much as 2.9%. Meanwhile, mobile carrier Reliance Communications slumped 23.5 percent to a record low of Rs 19.70 after posting its second straight quarterly loss over the weekend on account of a price war in the sector.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Sensex, Nifty close flat; Auto, bank, infra stocks rise

The benchmark BSE Sensex closed at new peak level of 30,250.98, gaining 2.81 pts, while the NSE Nifty-50 index closed up 15.10 pts at record high of 9,422.40. Strong regional markets also aided sentiment.
Indian stocks previously extended their record-breaking ralley today with auto stocks moving on hopes of lower interest rates after a better monsoon prediction eased inflation worries in a country that depends mostly on rains to irrigate its farmlands.
Eicher Motors Ltd and Zee Entertainment emerged as top Nifty gainers today.  Sectorally, liquor stocks and metal stocks witnessed a sharp increase. HCL technologies Ltd rallied in the morning hours influenced by the strong quarter fourth earnings, slowly pared its gains to trade in the red terrain, closing its stocks at Rs 838.65 per share, down by 0.43 percent on the BSE.
Royal Enfield, Eicher Motors rallied on the exchanges hitting a fresh 52-week high of Rs 30,051 per share, closing at Rs 29,402.10 per share, up by 5.57 percent on the BSE.
On the BSE, 1,581 shares fell, 1,246 shares rose and a total of 165 shares were unchanged. The total turnover on BSE figured to Rs 4,011.58 Crore.


Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Sensex soars 315 pts to close at record high, Nifty above 9,400-Level

The BSE Sensex hit a record high on Wednesday’s closing bell, as shares of FMGC and agriculture-reliant companies rallied after the IMD forecast a higher monsoon rainfall than expected earlier. The NSE Nifty rose 0.99% to a record high of 9,414.75, surpassing its earlier milestone marked on 5 May. BSE Sensex closed higher by 314.92 pts, to 30,248.17, while the NSE Nifty-50 index rose 90.45 pts, or to 9,407.30.
BSE Midcap closed higher by 0.87 percent at 14,853, while Smallcap closed higher by 0.75 percent at 15,561. India volatile Index closed lower by 0.6 percent at 11.04 levels.
Idea Cellular and Bharti Airtel advanced to higher levels today. Bharti Airtel was the major index gainer rising 8 percent. Nifty bank underperforms the trading session, due to PSU banks trade under pressure.
Biocon Ltd fell 6.1%, after the U.S health regulator issued Form-483 to its Bengaluru facility with some observations. IDBI Bank declined 4.5% after the RBI initiated prompt corrective action over the lender’s surging bad loans and downbeat return on assets.
Some companies have announced their earning results today which includes Zee Entertainment, Hero Motocorp, Siemens, 8K Miles Software and Capital First.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Sensex closed above 29,900, Nifty above 9300; Metal Stocks lead

The benchmark BSE Sensex closed flat on Tuesday since investors booked profits with the largest outperformers like ACC Ltd, Ambuja Cements while banks removed gains from the previous session’s rally. Caution also surrounded ahead of the quarterly earnings announcement, with Bharti Airtel later in the day. Asian shares were passive as investors looking forward to the next catalyst after France’s presidential election.  
BSE Sensex closed higher 7.10 points at 29,933.25 while  NSE Nifty closed higher by 2.8 points at 9316.85 on closing.   Both the  Nifty and Sensex were trading flat all through the day. Indiabulls Housing Finance, Hero Motocorp and Lupin Ltd were the major contributors to Nifty losses.  BSE Midcap closed higher by 0.19% at 14,821, and  Small-cap closed higher by 0.53% at 15,544.
 The companies which announced their financial earnings today were Syndicate bank, Dena Bank,  Vijaya Bank,  SREI Infrastructure Finance and Godrej Consumer Products, among others.
The stocks of metal sector Tata Steel, Vedanta Ltd, Hindalco  and Jindal Steel were sizzling on the Exchanges. The realty stocks like DLF, HDIL and Unitech were trading in positive terrain all though the day.
Tech Mahindra, Axis Bank, Wipro, IOC and Adani Ports were the top Nifty gainers of the day, while  Wipro, GAIL, Tata Motors, M&M and Bajaj Auto were the top Sensex gainers.

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