Showing posts with label Gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gold. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 February 2019

सोना एवं चांदी पर नवीनतम अपडेट

कमजोर वैश्विक संकेतों के चलते सराफा बाजार में आज सोने का भाव 450 रुपये घटकर 34,200 रुपये प्रति दस ग्राम रह गया। चांदी की कीमत भी कीमती धातुओं में घटकर वैश्विक रुख के चलते 425 रुपये घटकर रु .41,050 प्रति किलो रह गई।

वैश्विक स्तर पर सोने की कीमतें 0.10% गिरकर 1,319.10  युएस डॉलर प्रति औंस हो गई, जबकि न्यूयॉर्क में गुरुवार को चांदी की कीमत 15.80  युएस डॉलर पर स्थिर रही।

नई दिल्ली में, 99.9% और 99.5% शुद्धता वाला सोना क्रमशः 450 रुपये की गिरावट के साथ रु.34200 और रु .34030 प्रति दस ग्राम पर बंद हुआ। हालांकि, गिन्नी का सोना 8,000 रुपये प्रति आठ ग्राम पर अपरिवर्तित रहा।

चांदी की कीमत 425 रुपये की गिरावट के साथ 4150 रुपये प्रति किलोग्राम और साप्ताहिक डिलीवरी की कीमत 262 रुपये की गिरावट के साथ 39,868 रुपये प्रति किलोग्राम रह गई।

मल्टी कमोडिटी एक्सचेंज (एमसीएक्स) पर, सोना 0.22 प्रतिशत बढ़कर 33,243 रुपये प्रति 10 ग्राम पर लगभग 3.00 बजे प्रदर्शित होता है, और एमसीएक्स चांदी 0.17 प्रतिशत की तेजी के साथ 39,832 रुपये प्रति 1 किलोग्राम पर बंद हुआ था।

शेयर बाजार से जुडी  जानकारी और ट्रेडिंग टिप्स के लिए क्लिक कीजिये  Stock tips, Intraday Tips & Commodity Tips

Monday, 18 February 2019

बेस मेटल्स में देखें ट्रेड डील की उम्मीद

सोने की कीमतें सोमवार को एक पखवाड़े की अवधि में अपने सबसे मजबूत स्तर पर पहुंच गईं, क्योंकि डॉलर उम्मीद से कमजोर हो गया कि अमेरिका और चीन एक व्यापार सौदा करने जा रहे हैं।

दिन के दौरान हाजिर सोना 0.1 प्रतिशत बढ़कर USD1322.41 प्रति औंस हो गया जबकि अमेरिकी सोना वायदा 0.3 प्रतिशत उछलकर USD1,326.1 प्रति औंस पर पहुंच गया।

इस बीच, प्लैटिनम 0.1% फिसलकर USD801 पर पहुंच गया, जो सत्र के पहले के 2 सप्ताह के उच्च स्तर USD807 प्रति औंस को छू गया था, जबकि चांदी 0.3% बढ़कर USD15.82 प्रति औंस थी।

वॉशिंगटन में इस सप्ताह अमेरिकी-चीन व्यापार समझौते की सिफारिश की जाएगी। इसके अलावा, अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ने शुक्रवार को दोहराया कि वह एक सौदे के लिए मार्च-पहली की समय सीमा बढ़ा सकते हैं और चीनी सामानों पर शुल्क बढ़ने से चेक पर जा सकते हैं।

शेयर बाजार से जुडी  जानकारी और ट्रेडिंग टिप्स के लिए क्लिक कीजिये  Stock tips, Intraday Tips & Commodity Tips

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

कमोडिटी बाजार में सुस्ती, कमोडिटी बाजार में निवेश सलाह

कमोडिटी बाजार में सुस्ती है पूरे बाजार की नजर इस हफ्ते अर्जेंटीना में होने वाली बैठक पर है।  कॉपर लगातार तीसरे दिन दबाव में है। लंदन मेटल एक्सचेंज पर जिंक और निकेल में भी सुस्ती कायम है।ट्रेड वॉर की वजह से इस साल कॉपर में करीब 15 फीसदी की गिरावट आ चुकी है।अर्जेंटीना में होने वाली बैठक में  अमेरिका और चीन के बीच तनाव कम करने की कोशिशें हो सकती है।

SUPPORT 1: 30400 SUPPORT 2: 30200

SUPPORT 1: 35750 SUPPORT 2: 35450

SUPPORT 1: 426 SUPPORT 2: 421

SUPPORT 1: 3610 SUPPORT 2: 3560

क्रूड आयल में कमजोरी, कॉमैक्स पर सोना सपाट होकर 1,222 डॉलर पर

क्रूड आयल में कमजोरी है।  क्रूड 0.5 फीसदी की कमजोरी के साथ 60.2 डॉलर प्रति बैरल के स्तर पर कारोबार कर रहा है। नायमैक्स पर डब्ल्यूटीआई क्रूड 0.7 फीसदी की कमजोरी के साथ 51.3 डॉलर प्रति बैरल के स्तर पर कारोबार कर रहा है।कॉमैक्स पर सोना सपाट होकर 1,222 डॉलर पर कारोबार कर रहा है। चांदी भी सपाट होकर 14.3 डॉलर के पास कारोबार कर रही है।
कमोडिटी मार्केट में निवेश सलाह के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें 

Monday, 26 November 2018

MCX कमोडिटी निवेश सलाह , कच्चे तेल में हल्की रिकवरी

कच्चे तेल में हल्की रिकवरी है, वहीँ  ग्लोबल मार्केट ब्रेंट क्रूड के दाम पिछले १३ महीने के निचले स्तर के १% ऊपर है।  वहीं नायमेक्स क्रूड का दाम 50 डॉलर के ऊपर जाने में कामयाब हो गया है। पिछले हफ्ते कच्चे तेल में करीब 8 फीसदी की भारी गिरावट आई थी। ट्रेड वॉर से अगले साल कच्चे तेल की मांग में कमी का अनुमान है। वहीं अमेरिका में क्रूड का प्रोडक्शन लगातार बढ़ रहा है।इस बीच जेपी मॉर्गन ने कच्चे तेल पर अपना अनुमान 12.5 फीसदी घटा दिया है।  मॉर्गन स्टेनली ने भी अगले साल कच्चे तेल में गिरावट बढ़ने की आशंका जताई है।सोना ग्लोबल मार्केट में १२२० $ के आसपास बना हुआ है।  डॉलर के मुकाबले रुपये में शानदार मजबूती आई है। 

MCX कमोडिटी निवेश सलाह 

RESISTANCE 2: 30850 RESISTANCE 1: 30650 
SUPPORT 1: 30300 SUPPORT 2: 30100 

RESISTANCE 2: 36800 RESISTANCE 1: 36450 
SUPPORT 1: 35700 SUPPORT 2: 35400 

SUPPORT 1: 426 SUPPORT 2: 421 

SUPPORT 1: 3560 SUPPORT 2: 3500 

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

डॉलर इंडेक्स 2 हफ्ते के निचले स्तर पर, कमोडिटी निवेश सलाह

गोल्डमैन सैक्स ने अगले साल डॉलर में करीब 6 फीसदी गिरावट की आशंका जताई है। डॉलर इंडेक्स 2 हफ्ते के निचले स्तर  पर लुढ़क गया है। वहीं यूरो डॉलर के मुकाबले दो हफ्ते की ऊंचाई पर है।डॉलर के मुकाबले रुपया करीब 0.5 फीसदी की मजबूती के साथ पिछले 2.5 महीने के ऊपरी स्तर पर कारोबार कर रहा है।
ग्लोबल मार्किट में गोल्ड को कोई खास सपोर्ट नहीं है, और ऊपरी स्तर से इसमें हल्का दबाव दिख रहा है।चांदी भी करीब 0.5 फीसदी फिसल गई है। दरअसल अगले महीने अमेरिका में ब्याज दरें बढ़ने की संभावना है।अमेरिका और चीन के बीच तनाव से एलएमई पर कॉपर भी कमजोर है। साथ ही ग्लोबल ग्रोथ की चिंताओं के बीच कच्चा तेल भी दबाव में आ गया है।

कमोडिटी ट्रेंड और निवेश सलाह 

RESISTANCE 2: 31150 RESISTANCE 1: 31000 
SUPPORT 1: 30600 SUPPORT 2: 30350 

RESISTANCE 2: 37450 RESISTANCE 1: 37100 
SUPPORT 1: 36550 SUPPORT 2: 36300 

SUPPORT 1: 435 SUPPORT 2: 431 

SUPPORT 1: 4050 SUPPORT 2: 4000 

Friday, 16 November 2018

कमोडिटी ट्रेंड : November 16, 2018, Commodity Trend

RESISTANCE 2: 31150 RESISTANCE 1:  30950 
SUPPORT 1: 30700 SUPPORT 2: 30550 

RESISTANCE 2: 37250 RESISTANCE 1: 37050 
SUPPORT 1: 36500 SUPPORT 2: 36250 

Get Quick Free Trial
SUPPORT 1: 432 SUPPORT 2: 428 

SUPPORT 1: 4050 SUPPORT 2: 4000 

Monday, 22 October 2018

Commo dity Watch, कैस्टर का भाव 4 साल के ऊपरी स्तर पर

इस साल कैस्टर की खेती में भारी कमी आई है और ऐसे आशंका है की इसकी पैदावार करीब 30 फीसदी गिरावट  आएगी, वही मंडियों में इसकी आवक में भारी गिरावट आई है. और  चीन से भी कैस्टर ऑयल की जोरदार मांग बनी हुई है।   इन सब कारणों से  कैस्टर की कीमतों में चौतरफा सपोर्ट मिला है इसका भाव पिछले 4 साल के ऊपरी स्तर पर चला गया है।इसका दाम 5400 रुपये के पार चला गया है। जून के बाद से इसमें एकतरफा तेजी जारी है और पिछले 4 महीने में ये करीब 40 फीसदी उछल गया है। आज भी इसमें करीब 3 फीसदी ऊपर कारोबार हो रहा है।

सोयाबीन में भारी गिरावट आई है और वायदा बाजार में इसका दाम इस साल के निचले स्तर पर फिसल गया है, कारोबार के शुरुआत में ये 3150 रुपये तक टूट गया था। हालांकि निचले स्तर से हल्की रिकवरी आई है। चने में भी गिरावट बढ़ गई है और इसका दाम पिछले 3 हफ्ते के निचले स्तर पर आ गया है। मंडियों में सप्लाई बढ़ने से कीमतों पर दबाव है।
आज घरेलू बाजार में कच्चा तेल कमजोर है,  सोने और चांदी में भी कमजोर कारोबार हो रहा है। डॉलर के मुकाबले रुपया इस महीने की ऊंचाई पर है। डॉलर की कीमत 73.40 रुपये के पास है।

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

MCX seeks Sebi nod for schemes to boost gold options volume

MCX, NCDX, Gold, Commodity, Stock, Commodity market advice, Best  commodity tips, Options, Gold Options, Gold Futures
The Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) has sought approval from the market regulator Sebi for introducing liquidity enhancement schemes for its recently launched gold options contracts.
MCX’s gold options contracts daily average turnover declined to Rs. 130 crore in Nov as against Rs 297 crore in Oct. The daily average turnover of gold futures contracts on the MCX was Rs. 2054 cr, and Rs 2297 in October and November, respectively. 
The ratio of gold options contracts to gold futures contracts slipped to less than 3.5%, by volume, in Dec from over 14% in October. Prior to the launch of the gold options contract, market players were hoping volumes in this section would rise to at least two times those of gold futures contracts. 
The Sebi has particular guidelines for certain volumes in the existing Gold-options contracts before allowing contracts of smaller denominations. As per sources, MCX was likely to engage jewellers and organize awareness programmes to enlarge volumes in gold-options contracts. 

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Gold declines below Rs. 30-K-mark on weak global cues

Gold, Metals, Commodity, Stock Commodity, Top Advisory, Money Maker Research
Gold prices slips below the Rs. 30,000-mark on Thursday, going down  by Rs. 100 to trade at over 3-month low of Rs. 29,950 per 10 grams at the bullion market on account of  a weak trend overseas along with muted demand from local jewelers. Similarly, price of Silver also plunged Rs. 375 to Rs. 38,125 per kg owing to reduced off-take by industrial units and coin makers. Globally, the rates of gold fell 0.45 percent to USD 1,257.10 an ounce and silver by 0.31 percent to USD 15.87 an ounce in Singapore.

In New Delhi, gold of 99.9% & 99.5% purity declined by Rs. 100 each to Rs. 29,950 and Rs. 29,800 per 10 grams, each. The yellow metal had lost Rs. 200 on Wednesday, while Sovereign followed suit and fell by Rs. 100 to Rs. 24,400 per piece of 8 grams.

Silver ready dropped by Rs. 375 to Rs. 38,125/ kg and weekly-based delivery by Rs. 440 to Rs. 37,335/kg.  Silver coins also dipped by Rs. 1,000 at Rs. 71,000 for buying and Rs. 72,000 for selling of 100 pieces.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Kalyan Jewellers lines up Rs. 135.00 crore investment in Uttar Pradesh

Kerala-based Kalyan Jewellers has lined up investment of about Rs 135 crore to expand its track in the market in Uttar Pradesh. The Indian jewellery store chain, Kalyan Jewellers, which already run a company owned retail store in Noida, on today, 4th October 2017, announced to launch its 116th outlet in Lucknow.

As stated by the Executive Director of Kalyan Jewellers, Mr. Ramesh Kalyanaraman, the company have invested close to Rs 75.00  crore in the Lucknow market and by the end of this financial year, its third UP store would materialize in Kanpur. “Uttar Pradesh was a big market and contributed almost 10% to the country’s jewellery segment, which is still dominated by the local unorganized players. Before entering this market, proper diligence and market research had conducted to explore flourishing prospects in the business. We found that our brand provided the perfect proposition to the state customers taking into account of the product, design and value”, Kalyanaraman added.

The company has also under planning to launch new stores in other cities of the North, including Bhopal and Indore. The company claims a dedicated customer base of almost 1.5 million with 70% repeat buyers.

Kalyanaraman informed over the past few weeks, the domestic jewellery segment had registered an unpick in demand and the players were optimistic that the momentum would further pick up in the months ahead.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Money Maker Research News - Ban On Export of Gold Products Beyond 22 Carats

India has banned the export of gold products beyond 22 carats with immediate effect, as a means of curbing irregularities in the trade. The DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) issued a notice limiting shipments of jewelery, coins and medallions to 22 carats or below, without citing a reason.

As per the industry calculation, India exports about 170 tons, of jewelery & medallions made up of gold. Ornaments made out of 24 carat gold contributes about 15 percent of this. Many jewelers were importing gold coins in the pure form and shipping it out of India after converting it into jewelery with small value addition. However, there were no data as to how much of the exports were above 22 carats. 

Gold medallions and coins made up 15 percent of the country’s total gems and jewelery exports by value in the fiscal ended March, as per data from the Gems & Jewelers export promotion Council.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Silver Slides Nearly 2% On MCX, Breaks Under Rs 41K

MCX Bullion, MCX Base Metal, Agri commodities, Copper , Base metals, Mentha oil, Natural Gas, crude oil, commodity face, MCX Gold Silver,  Crude Oil,  NCDEX Advice
MCX Silver took a huge fall today as COMEX Silver drooped following the hike in interest rates by US Federal Reserve. COMEX Silver futures slipped in Asian trades since Gold dropped to a fresh 10- month low. US dollar soared sharply as the US Fed hiked interest rate by a 0.25 percent  and showed more to come next year.
Dollar index is around its 15 year highs, trading above 102 levels right now. COMEX Silver plunged by 2.50 percent to USD 16.78 per ounce.
MCX Silver futures also followed the same cues and dropped at the very start only;  The counter opened with a sharp gap of over Rs 400 per kg and currently trades at Rs. 40, 965 /kg, down 1.83 percent  on the day.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Stock Market Struggling To Drift Up ~ MCX, NCDEX Market Down

Stock market started on a flat note with a slight negative bias, equity benchmarks are still under pressure. BSE Sensex has hiked 7 points at 26233 while Nifty is 5 points up at 8085. In broader market, BSE Small Cap is just 2 points up at 11842, BSE Midcap has risen up 64 points at 12065 and Nifty Midcap has gained 37 points at 14327.

Indian Currency Rupee slipped large amount of points in the morning session itself and is trading lower by 30 paise at 68.12 against US Dollar.

Asian Market Updates: Mostly global indices are in the green zone with Japan's Nikkei leading the region at 18007 with 145 points hike. Hang Seng dropped 3 points at 22259 and Taiwan Index is 13 points up at 9008.

Commodity Market also drifted down today. MCX Gold dropped 184 points at 28947 and Silver lost 293 points at 40447. Crude Oil declined 41 points at 3125.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Reliance Industries fell 23 Percent In Quarterly Results, Sensex Nifty moving under losses

Equity benchmarks opened flat today with minor gains, wiped off their early gains and moved into losses. Sensex has lost 127 points at 28002 and Nifty declined 32 points at 8666. Majority sectors are in negative zone. Bank Nifty, BSE Bankex, BSE Auto and Midcap Sectors are trading with negative points. Indian currency Rupee, is trading lower by 10 paise at 66.91 against US Dollar.

A large IT company Wipro has signed an agreement to acquire Appiro, a global cloud services company that creates modern generation worker and client experiences. Reliance Industries noted the 23 percent fall in their profits of second quarterly reports announced on Thursday.

In Commodity Sector, Gold has dropped 77 points at 29833 while Silver also declined 137 points at 41859. Crude Oil is trading down by 17 points at 33852. 

Currently 1049 shares have advanced, 1062 shares have declined and 142 shares are still with no change in their price.

In Asian Market, Global indices are trading flat. Nikkei is live at 17335 with just 1 point up, Hang Seng is 69 points up at 23374 and Shanghai Composite has lost 11 points at 3073.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Equity Benchmarks Under Pressure, IT Stocks Continue To Skid

Equity benchmark indices opened on a flat note on Friday morning tracking mixed global cues. Sensex live at 28080 with 25 points down and Nifty is down 0.17 percent or 14 points at 8694. Small cap and Midcap sectors are still trading in the positive zone. BSE Small cap is 15 points up at 13240 and BSE Midcap is 11 points up at 13552. Rupee is trading 13 paise down at 66.82 against US Dollar.

Commodity Market is showing average movements today. MCX Gold has hiked 84 points at 29659 ans Silver has jumped 129 points at 41650. Crude Oil is 10 points up at 3378. Currently 1197 shares have advanced, 942 shares have declined and 157 shares are unchanged.

Asian market indices are trading in the negative zone today. Nikkei has lost 59 points at 16839, Hang Seng is 133 points down at 23819 and Shanghai Composite is trading with hike of minor points at 3005. 

Friday, 26 August 2016

Sensex Nifty Continue To Consolidate, Bullion Market Up

Sensex Nifty Continue To Consolidate, Bullion Market Up
Stock market opened marginally higher today but lost its profit in early trade. Equity benchmarks remained under pressure tracking weakness in Asian indices. BSE Sensex hikes 12 points to 27848 and Nifty hikes just 1.80 points to 8594. Rupee is trading with the strength of 3 paise at 67.02 against US Dollar. Asian market indices are trading lower. Nikkei lost 123 points to 16432, Hang Seng gains 124 points to 22939 and Shanghai composite with minor gains trading at 3085. Commodity market started on a good positive note. Gold hikes 51 points to 30979 while Silver has gained 194 points to 43853 till yet. Maximum sectors are trading in the negative zone. BSE Auto sector is leading of all the sectors with 93 points hike at 21197. Midcap sectors are trading lower in the negative zone. NCDEX market is showing negative movements. Rmseed dropped 26 points to 4622, Soyabean dropped 5 points to 3370, Dhaniya hikes 36 points to 7764 and Barleyjpr trading at 1529 with hike of 4 points.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Sensex Nifty Started At Lower Note, Bullion Market Up

Sensex Nifty At Low Note, Bullion Market Up
Stock Market started with a low note. Rupee Opened weak by 4 paise at 67.04 against US Dollar. The 50-share NSE Nifty started off August series on a flat note after yesterday's rally as investors eagerly awaited for GST Bill. Nifty is down by 16 points at 8650. The 30-share index BSE Sensex is down by 75 points to 28133. BSE Small Cap hikes 24 points at 12305, BSE Mid-Cap gains 67 points at 12640 and Nifty Mid Cap is up by 64 points to 14760. All the Global Indices are trading down. Nikkei is down by 116 points to 16359, Hang Seng is down by 182 points to 21991 and Shanghai Composite with minor loss of 2 points down by 2992. In Commodity Market, Gold and Silver are trading in the positive zone. Gold hiked 45 points to 31031 and Silver hiked 343 points to 47362. Natural Gas hiked 13 points to 194 and Crude Oil dropped 59 points to 2772. 
Automobile company Eicher Motors first quarter (April-June) consolidated earnings matched analysts' estimates on Thursday with profit growing sharply by 58.6 percent to Rs 376.3 crore, driven by strong revenue as well as operational performance in Royal Enfield business. Revenue increased 42 percent to Rs 1,555.7 crore in the quarter ended June 2016 compared with Rs 1,096 crore in year-ago period. The Bank of Japan (BOJ) has eased its monetary policy further today by expanding dollar lending programmed to USD 24 billion. The central bank kept deposit rate at -0.1 percent and said it will increase buying of exchange traded funds. Bank of Japan has lowered its real GDP growth forecast for the current fiscal year to 1 percent from earlier 1.2 percent but increased to 1.3 percent for next fiscal from earlier forecast of 0.1 percent.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Sensex Nifty Poor Closing, Mcx Commodity Under Pressure

After gaining satisfactory positive leads in the day session, Indian Stock Market closed up poorly. The Profit booking drove the Sensex down, while Nifty managed to hold above 8500. Sensex has lost 89.84 points today and ended up at 27746.66 and Nifty has lost 32.7 points today and ended up at 8508.7. All Bse Sectors have lost the initial gain and ended up in negative zone except the Auto and IT. Bajaj Auto, Bharti Infratel, Tata Motors(D), Axis Bank and Eicher Motors are the top gainers today, while Idea Cellular, ONGC, Bharti Airtel, Bank of Baroda and Zee Entertain are the top losers today. In Commodity Market, the Ncdex Commodities seems to working fine, but the Mcx Commodities are under pressure and struggling hard. In Mcx Commodity Market, Gold is at 30930 loss 47, Silver is at 46699 loss 576, Crude oil is at 3063 loss 18 points, Natural Gas is at 186.9 hike 2.2, Aluminium is at 110.65 loss 4.35, Nickel is at 690 hike 3.9, Lead is at 124.55 loss 0.55, Zinc is at 147.9 loss 0.55, Mentha oil is t 912.4 hike 35 and Cotton is at 23450 loss 120 points. 

Friday, 15 July 2016

Stock And Commodity Market Slips Down, Infosys Drops 8 Percent

Stock And Commodity Market Slips Down, Infosys drops 8 percent
Indian Stock Market opened flat today, could not hold its early gains and deviated to red. Sensex live at 27815 with 126 points down or 0.45 percent while Nifty dropped 0.33 points or 0.39 percent to 8531. Indian sectors are trading mixed with Consumer Durables sector at 12504 with 205 points up and Auto sector at 20404 with 175 points at top. BSE Small Cap trading at 12028 with 40 points down, BSE Mid-Cap at 12144 with 29 points up and Nifty Mid-Cap live at 14334 with 4 points down. Infosys dropped 8.96 percent in the early sessions which is depicted as a major loss, NTPC and TCS dropped 2.5 percent. Rupee opened marginally higher but declined 0.04 paise or 0.06 percent to 66.95. Bullion Market drops in the early session, Gold with 63 points down trading at 30,887 and Silver dropped 64 points at 47,445. Energy sector is trading low minor loss. NCDEX Market is trading marginally down. Charjddel and Sybeanidr with minor losses trading respective at 9000 and 3650. Rmseed with 11 points hike at 4924, Tmcfgrnzm with 18 points hike at 8104 and Dhaniya with 24 points lead at 7809. Asian market Indices are trading high on global cues. Japan's benchmark index Nikkei with 114 points hike trading at 16500, Hong Kong's Index Hang Seng with 30 points up trading at 21591 and China's benchmark index Shanghai Composite declined 1.54 points at 3052.48.

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